Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter (a day late)!! I hope you had a good day and it sounds like church was really good! I got to translate for all three hours again sometimes I get a break in the second hour in gospel principles but this week we had some investigators and visitors I got to translate for!! So it was a fun and good Sunday! We had a lot of rain this week four days of non stop rain but that didn't stop us and we were able to find and teach a lot of people! It was one of the better weeks that we have had! For Easter here I can't remember if I told you all last year but they dye the boiled eggs then you choose an egg and take turns knocking the eggs together with others and the last person with the unbroken egg gets a "zhiva i zdrava godina" жива и здрава година.  So that ıs a fun lıttle tradıtıon they  have here!

Other exciting things from this week we had zone conference and it went really well we learned a lot of how to work more with members to find new investigators by helping them to share the gospel with their friends and family! Also as the assistants were out the rest of the week to the other conferences so we took care of a couple of their investigators while they were gone. It is cool they are working with one guy in Germany who has been coming to the church there for a couple years but he doesn't know any German and so we have skype lessons with him to teach him the gospel. It is so cool because even though he doesn't know German he feels the spirit as he attends and as we have the lessons with him on skype he is so happy to be able to learn more and to discuss these things in his language! So that was really cool being able to teach him a couple lessons this week!

So we get transfer calls on Saturday so that is when I will find out where I get to finish my mission! I hope to be able to stay here or to go back to one of the cities where I have already been but we will see what the lord has in store!! As much as I would love to go to turkey there basically is no way I would get to go there but I will see Elder Bennion soon enough!

Love You!! Have a great week!!
Elder Maxwell

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