Monday, October 1, 2012

I am definitely looking forward to this week!

 I am excited for General Conference this Sunday ( we have it the two Sundays in a row), hopefully I will be able to understand most of what they say!

So my week has been good.  It's kind of ridiculous how hot it still is, I don't like being so hot all the time but it is good for the work because there are a lot more people out to talk to.

Our transfers are every 9 weeks so I've still got a little bit of time as a greenie! We weren't able to meet with the guy we gave a Book of Mormon to this week, he was out of town for work and didn't have a chance to read but we will meet with him this week probably! We had a lot of new people we were able to meet with this week and an older guy that I've been teaching has a baptismal date for the 27th now so that is pretty exciting!

For splits when my companion is visiting other areas, it's both, sometimes I stay in my area and sometimes I go to another elder's area, it mostly depends on who I'm going with but this week my comp will be going on a few splits so I'll probably be all around Sofia for my lessons and theirs.

It's kind of weird to think that I am doing the tithing same as dad.  Funny thing though, this week they just got the computer and computer system to do the tithing with but the clerk doesn't really use computers ever so I had to get it all turned on for him and help him with that!

For Sacrament meeting talks, people will speak somewhat often but there's enough people that it's not too much.  We do have the 3 hour block but the blocks are a little bit shorter so it's not completely 3 hours. Oh and this week we met with this one lady I found who was baptized forever ago but traveled a lot for work so she would only be able to go to church sometimes but she is planning on settling down here in Sofia now so we got her to come to church now we just need to find some friends for her in the branch! 

Today there are a bunch of missionaries coming in from the sea to do passport work.  My old companion (from the MTC) will be in too so they are going to stay at our place tonight so that is going to be super awesome and we have a bunch of really cool people that we've contacted and are planning on meeting with this week which is super cool. So, I am definitely looking forward to this week!

Love from,
Старейшина Максуел

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